The lawyers' blog

In an increasingly globalized world, migration has become a common reality. In this context, offering solid legal advice is crucial to ensure that the residency process in Spain is as smooth as possible. Actum abogados has one of its specialties in immigration law and can offer advice on how to legally reside in the country. Moving to a foreign country can be exciting, but it also involves a series of legal and bureaucratic challenges. In Spain, the immigration regulations can be complex and varied, with specific requirements that must be met to obtain and maintain legal residence. Our team of specialized lawyers understands the nuances of this legislation and is committed to guiding foreign residents through this legal labyrinth.

Personalized legal advice

At our law firm in Girona, we understand that every situation is unique. This is why we offer personalized legal advice, taking into account the individual circumstances of each client. From obtaining visas to renewing residence permits, our team is dedicated to providing solutions tailored to the specific needs of foreign residents.

Visas and residence permits

Obtaining a visa or residence permit is often the first crucial step for those who want to settle in Spain. Our lawyers are qualified to advise you on the different types of visas available, such as the work visa, the student visa or the investor visa. We also offer guidance on the renewal of residence permits for those already established in the country.

Resolution of legal problems

Life in a foreign country can present unexpected challenges. Whether facing labor problems, legal conflicts or changes in the family situation, our team of lawyers is prepared to address a wide range of legal problems that may arise during your stay in Spain.

Commitment to excellence

Our law firm is proud of its commitment to excellence in legal advice. We are dedicated to keeping up to date with changes in immigration legislation, making sure to provide our clients with the most accurate and relevant information.

Legal advice on immigration in Girona

In summary, offering comprehensive legal advice to foreign residents is essential to facilitate a smooth and successful transition to life in Spain. Our team of lawyers is here to guide our clients along their journey, providing the necessary support so they can fully enjoy of his experience in this beautiful country. If you are considering moving to Spain or are already a resident, do not hesitate to contact us to obtain specialized and reliable legal advice.

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